Monday, April 6, 2009


A panoramic view of Liege from the top of the Kennedy Tower (I posted a picture of this building a few months ago). On the right you can see the Port Autonome (the yachting port) and the Calatrava train station. On the hill behind the station you can see the 1st World War memorial and the Cointe Basilica. On the left you can see the Outremeuse island with the Parc de la Boverie on the end. On the far left lies the Derivation de la Meuse (the Meuse river's diversion). The view from the 24th floor of the Kennedy Tower is fantastic, I will post another couple of photos in the coming days.



Russ said...

Great view! I love to come explore it in person.

crocrodyl said...

Lovely view!

joo said...

Lovely, wonderful light!

Unknown said...

This is a fantastic shot! What a wonderful view!

brattcat said...

There is so much to see in this, Greg. The architecture the river and canal and the way the waterways are used, the mountains, the much. I look forward to more views and more information.

Tash said...

it's a 1,000,000 dollar view! Really helps to get the layout of the city. The railroad station is really beautiful & I like seeing two "rivers".
Is the 24th floor open to public?

RE the roaches that are maybe in the building - I rememeber a comic with Opus the Political Penguin (Bloom County comic strip) where a roach is telling Opus how after all mankind is gone from earth, the roaches will still be there. So Opus lifts his foot and squishes the roach. Kind of dark humor I guess.

Bergson said...

good light on this building

Greg Dimitriadis said...

Just a small update. In fact, there are no cockroaches in the Kennedy Tower. A resident who's been living there for years has not seen a single cockroach. My original information was wrong, I should have deleted that sentence from the older blog (which I did now...)

Unfortunately, the 24th floor cannot be visited.