Monday, December 1, 2008

Le cortège de la Saint Nicolas

In Belgium and the Netherlands, Saint Nicolas' Day is a student festival. Students consider it as their day, and they participate in several festivities, most of which involve the consumption of mythical amounts of alcohol. The result is chaos and disruption for the cities in which the festival takes place. This year, the mayor of Liege decided to minimize the disruption by relocating Saint Nicolas's Day on Monday 1 December instead of 6 December. Here's a few pictures of the highlight of the festivities, the Saint Nicolas procession. The students are wearing their traditional lab coats... making it look like a procession of mad scientists.





humanobserver said...

A nice and a brave attempt to capture them...your angle was perfect....

Tash said...

How interesting. I did not know about the lab coat parade & students & St. Nick day. I guess having the celebration on Monday instead of Saturday can have a quieting effect.

Jane Hards Photography said...

This looks like a wonderful event.