Friday, May 23, 2008


Yesterday I heard and saw these people protesting in the city centre. I have no idea who they are or what they were protesting against. There's a bus drivers' strike on at the moment but I don't think they look like bus drivers... If anybody knows who they were please leave a comment.



Anonymous said...

Taken from La Meuse:

500 agents communaux et du CPAS de la ville de Liège ont manifesté, jeudi matin, dans les rues à la suite de leur assemblée générale, bloquant, notamment, entre 10 et 11 heures, la place St-Lambert. De gros embarras de circulation ont eu lieu.

There you go!


Kim said...

Whatever their cause, taking the photo of their colorful procession through the gray street from this angle made for a great shot! Kudos,
Seattle Daily Photo

Jane Hards Photography said...

They have made a good image. Like the overhead view.