Saturday, April 26, 2008

Construction works

Shopping centre and office development behind the Place St Lambert. St Martin's church is in the background.



Anonymous said...

Still another sanctuary of production (offices) and consumption (shopping centre) of money in a tuning up contemporary

Mark the pregnant disorder of the worksite which will presently give birth to one more monument of the contemporary value system facing St Martin's church...

• Eliane • said...

Très cool comme photo. J'aime toujours bien jeter un oeil aux sites de construction: ça titille notre curiosité et imagination.
Faudra nous poster la photo "après".

Anonymous said...

There was a time when we were delighted to see new buildings going up for the space and accomodations they offered in comparison with the old ones. Also, for the thrill of expansion as a token of our thriving economy.

Little did we anticipate the ensuing shrinking of our physical existence on the face of the constantly vanishing earth...

Anonymous said...

Bon j'ai pensé ajouter de la philo (de vigne) moi aussi, mais l'énormité des travaux et la taille réduite de l'église rendent tout commentaire futile etc etc, hein?
